If you are 18 years old you will look in the 17 20 age group column. There you will find the maximum weight allowed for your height in your age group.

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Army blc height and weight. Use the height and weight chart below to see if you meet the army standards. First find your height in inches using the left most column. Check all that apply individual is in compliance with army standards. Da form 5501. To find you maximum weight go to the column corresponding to your age group. 6200 140 22.
Monthly weight loss is 3 8 lbs. Soldiers will meet army body composition standards as prescribed in this regulation for the individual and collective benefit to themselves their unit and the entire army. Is not in compliance with the standards. It is our job as leaders to enforce the standards. The minimum age is 17. Injury from weight bearing activity and are more likely to perform at an optimal level.
Male height and weight standards. This is the soldiers. Students who fail to pass a final apft or heightweight standards will be dismissed from blc per the secretary of the armys memorandum 2012 20 physical fitness and height and weight requirements for professional military education effective 1 november 2012. Then right next to it youll see the minimum weight allowed. Or 1 body fat. Height range is 50 to 68 males and 410 to 68 for females.
Here is a calculator to measure your height and weight requirements as you prepare for basic combat training. Heightweight and the apft the very first evaluation your soldier will go through is the army physical fitness test and while instructors at blc dont grade harder we dont stray from the standard either. Army physical requirements body fat calculator. Height to nearest 050 inch weight to nearest pound age ½ 50. Heightweight requirements and are allowed one retest.