The coast guard ensign was hoisted for the first time onboard the indian coast guard ship kuthar on 19th august 1978 at the inaugural ceremony of the indian coast guard at bombay now mumbai. On the coast guard ensign there is a national flag on the top left quadrant and a coast guard emblem in the fly part of the flag.

Indian Coast Guard Coast Guard To Add 50 Vessels To Its
Indian coast guard height weight chart. Indian army technical graduate course 2008 height weight standards. Coast guard height and weight requirements. 60 97 lbs. 91 8448443353 call us. Determine maximum allowable weight for women in the chart below cross the members height with the members frame size to find the members maw. Indian coast guard recruitment 2016 for engine driver sarang lascar motor transport fitter.
The minimum height is 1625 cm or according to the standard chart of age height weight ratio. If a candidate is 21 year old with height 167 then boards will pass him if his weight in between 504 and 616 also read vision standards for indian air froce flying branch. Indian army height weight chart indian army height weight standards. A minimum height of 5 cms less than this is allowed for gorkhas and for applicants from the north eastern region. The coast guard has established the bmi standard of 190 minimum and 275 maximum regardless of age or gender. 59 94 lbs.
Max weight by age group. Maximum height weight chart. Your weight and body fat determinations as accomplished at meps or other point of entry to service remain part of accession physical standards and may also be used as entry criteria for. The minimum height for women is 142 cms and weight is 36 kgs at the least. The medical board permits 10 of the candidates weight ie. Medical standards discover height and weight standards for men women for indian air force at cavalierin.
Subscribe to our e mail newsletter to receive updates. The coast guard weight standards are based on body mass index bmi a weight that corresponds with an individuals height. Maximumminimum weights all members who exceed their maximum screening weight are subject to a body fat. Below are the coast guards height and weight allowances for recruits to enlist. The weight is also checked out at the medical examination. Height min weight 17 20 21 27 28 39 40 58 91 lbs.
Measure height to the nearest 12. Measure height without shoes.