Although a persons bac can be estimated the level cannot be determined solely by the number of drinks consumed and cannot be precisely calculated by a persons height and weight. Contrary to popular belief nothing can lower bac except time.

Alcohol And Your Body
Bac calculator weight height. Bac calculator blood alcohol content calculator is designed to help you know. A breathalyzer or blood test is the only way to have an accurate measurement. Enter your height and weight. Use the nearest weight eg if you weigh between 100 and 109 lbs use the closest displayed weight of 100 lbs but if you weigh between 110 lbs and 119. It also provides a rough estimation of when bac will drop to zero. Blood alcohol content bac calculator blood alcohol content or bac refers to the percentage of alcohol in a persons bloodstream and can be measured within 30 70 minutes after drinking.
Most calculators require that you enter your gender and then your weight. Drunk calc uses a sophisticated algorithm to accurately estimate your blood alcohol level. Weight is displayed in british pounds lbs. Free online calculator to estimate the blood alcohol concentration bac level based on the amount of alcohol consumed the time elapsed gender and body weight. Select male or female. Our bac calculator takes important pieces of information such as your height weight biological sex hunger level how many drinks youve consumed and how long youve been drinking to predict your current blood alcohol level.
Also explore hundreds of other calculators. This is no time to be proud you need an accurate reading so even if you only look like you weigh 120 pounds if you actually weigh 135 you need to enter that number. This calculator assumes the legal limit for driving is 008 and 21 years old. Coffee cold showers and chugging glasses of water will not help you sober up any faster. The bac calculator alcohol calculator blood alcohol calculator enables you to determine an estimated blood alcohol content given a persons weight sex hours and the number of standard drinks consumed. In single vehicle crashes the relative risk of a driver with bac between 08 and 10 is at least 11 times greater than for drivers with a bac of zero and 52.
How long you should wait before driving after consuming alcohol. A bac calculator can help you determine if you are possibly at near or over the legal bac limit. This information is also essential to determine how much alcohol your body absorbs. Everyone is different bac calculators are merely an estimate. Please note that the legal limit for driving may vary depending on statecountry and your age.