Then right next to it youll see the minimum weight allowed. This worksheet will provide a standardized tool for commands to conduct height weight and bcp measurements with the most up to date guidelines implemented.

Bcp Standards
Enlistment height weight standards. Here is a calculator to measure your height and weight requirements as you prepare for basic combat training. If the height fraction is less than 12 inch round down. Yes there is also a minimum height and weight standard for the military. Marine corps physical fitness. The minimum age is 17. Welcome to the united states air force.
Use the height and weight chart below to see if you meet the army standards. To qualify based on the abdominal circumference measurement acm it must be equal to or less than the maximum allowed 39 inches for a male or 355 inches for a female. Click the menu to the right of the screen to. Army height and weight standards for men. If youre too short too tall or too thin you may not be eligible for military service according to the above minimum standard chart. First find your height in inches using the left most column.
Here is a look at the height weight and body fat standards for enlistment in the branches of the us military the marines army air force and navy. For both men and women the acm will be taken on bare skin starting immediately above the upper most hip bone vertically in line with the right arm pit. Male height and weight standards. Army physical requirements body fat calculator note. Here are a couple of charts showing the set standards for height and weight for men and women. To find you maximum weight go to the column corresponding to your age group.
If you are 18 years old you will look in the 17 20 age group column. The measurement will be rounded to the nearest inch with the following guidelines. Height in inches minimum weight age 17 20 max weight in lbs age 21 27 max weight in lbs age 28 39 max. There you will find the maximum weight allowed for your height in your age group. If the height fraction is 12 inch or greater round up. Your weight and body fat determinations as accomplished at meps or other point of entry to service remain part of accession physical standards and may also be used as entry criteria for.
Learn about great opportunities for enlisted airmen officers and health care professionals. Hpd is announcing the release of a new height weight bcp worksheet. You will be measured at the recruiting station to gain entry into the military. Height range is 50 to 68 males and 410 to 68 for females.