As all in one convertible car seat evenflo symphony dlx can be used as rear facing car seat for 5 40 lbs infant forward facing harness car seat for 22 65 lbs toddler then finally used as highback belt positioning booster for 40 110 lbs kid. The evenflo litemax and evenflo safemax infant car seats have updated weight and height requirements noted below to allow their use with small occupants.

Evenflo Symphony Elite Review All In One Convertible Car
Evenflo symphony dlx weight and height. Forward and rear facing. Dimensions of the evenflo symphony. Forward and rear facing. 3 35 lbs 14 158 kg height. Seatbelt only 45 lbs. 1575 32 in 40 81 cm.
Quick guide for evenflo symphony elite. Symphony provides exclusive safety features like quick connector technology. Below the top of the headrest. It has less amenities and no booster capability like the symphony. Evenflo symphony dlx was released in 2013. The evenflo symphonyall in one car seat accommodates children ranging from 5 110 lbs.
Top of childs head 1 in. Recline settings by weight and mode. We can find that evenflo symphony dlx is also introduced as all in one convertible car seat. Infant insert included is a two piece comfort insert that can be used in rear facing mode only. With the most innovation and value on the market. The harness height ranges from 75 to 175 while the seated height is 23.
54 inch height capacity. 19 40 birth until limits outgrown. 50 inch height capacity. 65 pound weight capacity. These ratings also apply to the other versions of this model that incorporate surelatch connectors including the symphony dlx elite and. At its tallest the evenflo symphony dlx measures 305 inches within the mid to tall range of all the car seats we tested.
The evenflo symphony weighs just under 20 pounds and is 20 wide which means itll be tougher than the average seat to fit in small vehicles when it comes to 3 across installations. One of several all in one models offered by evenflo. As a taller seat the evenflo symphony dlx used in the rear facing position may require you to reposition your vehicles front seat. The sureride dlx is less expensive and for good reason. Coming in at a solid 21 pounds the symphony isnt lightweight but that also means it isnt as prone to tilting side to side like some lighter weight car seats. 65 pound weight capacity.
Evenflo symphony dlx is a popular option in the middle of the convertible car seats price range. You simply click click pull for a super fast and super snug installation. 28 50 age 2 until limits outgrown. Its in the top 3 bestselling convertible car seats and has dozens of popular alternatives in the same price range such as graco recline n ride or evenflo triumph lx.